The Art Of Pleasing Is The Art Of Deceiving

November 07, 2019

Hey Human,

Don’t believe in all that you see !

Try not to get swayed, away over the happy,pictures and places you see.

Don’t start to compare or belittle yourself for you don’t know the story behind the happy perfect picture you just liked and commented on.Pictures can be pretty deceptive, I have seen.You see and understand what is shown to you  irrespective of the truth behind them. Stop underestimating yourself over the living lies that you witness in your feeds & stories daily.Sometimes people lie to inflate their image, to embark a life that they are not living.Life is not as rosy as it seems to everyone.Everyone is running their own race.People mislead themselves all day long just to pacify the society who is not even a part of their struggles.

Just because you see them having fun and uploading those pictures doesn’t mean that you are any less than anyone.

We all cherish our bit and piece of joy, as and when we receive them. Our smiles, our laughter, our happiness is “OURS” .

Repeat to yourself: Its Ours.. These shoddy practices of making them public may get us the likes, grab a few eyeballs but not the warmth and satisfaction of living it again. So, cherish your moments, make them again, live them, live in them, and if need be relive them with your loved and beloved ones.

Before you give your thoughts and curse yourself for not having all and not being able to live the life which is portrayed before you  just have faith that when your time comes you will have it all and be grateful for all that you have right now.The life behind the screen is different and beyond our understanding.

Hey human,
Don’t fall into the trap of falsehood.
Trust your journey and breathe.
The best is yet to come.

Written by: Deeksha Kukreja (@deeks2122)
©2019 Humans of Himachal

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